Tweaking Variables

Changing Omni configuration settings

OmniStream works well right out of the box, but it is also highly customizable. Just about any element can be edited or changed.

Why edit the Omni config?

The most likely use cases for wanting to edit the configuration files are:

  1. you want to set up Omni on an additional server and not overlap your subdomain names, e.g. you want to access Plex on server 1 as and Plex on server 2 as,

  2. you want to edit one of your subdomains, e.g. you want to change to,

  3. you need to add a custom container.

Your imagination is the limit!

Changing the config file

First step: bring omni down

First, ensure that OmniStream is not running and, if using automatic DNS, that your entries are deleted from CloudFlare, by typing the command omni down.

Second step: change the config name

As with most Omni commands, you can open the omni menu and select option 1 - Edit Hostnames from the Setups Menu. You can also directly type omni edit for full access to the config file. Proceed with caution - make sure you have a backup first.

For example, if you decide to rename "monitorr" to "watchorr", just edit the entry and exit the menu.

Third step: update the folder name

Navigate to and list your configs folder by typing omni configs. Then rename your old folder name by typing mv oldfoldername newfoldername.

In the example above where you decided to rename "monitorr" to "watchorr", type mv monitorr watchorr. You can check if your file was renamed properly by either typing ls or omni configs again.

Final step: bring Omni up again

As a last step, bring Omni up by typing omni up. You should now be able to access your existing data with the new subdomain address.

Any questions?

Feel free to open a support request on GitHub!